Back to Work Roadmap
Employees with Autoimmune Disease & Immune Compromised
In this FREE webinar, I’m going to share the roadmap for going back to work specific to employees with Autoimmune Disease and the immune compromised. Both employers and employees will benefit from these best practices to consider as we make the transition to our "new normal" in the workplace.
This FREE Webinar is for you!
This Webinar is a MUST-ATTEND for:
You're in the right place if you are an HR Professional or Manager who wants to support your most at-risk employees as you create your back to work plan.
You're in the right place if you have an Autoimmune Disease (or are immune compromised) and want to balance going back to work and staying safe and protected.

What Will I Learn?
Addressing the "Current Situation" and Returning to Work with All of the Unknowns
Autoimmune Disease 101
Why Those Who are Immune Compromised are More At Risk
The ADA, the Law, and Autoimmune Disease
Best Practices to Support Your Most At-Risk Employees
Transitional Accommodations
How Employees Can Stay Safe as They Return to Work

You Deserve to be Safe AND Productive!
Employers + Employees. We're all in this together.

Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP
Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP is the #1 bestselling author of the book Thriving in the Workplace with Autoimmune Disease: Know Your Rights, Resolve Conflict, and Reduce Stress, the first book ever to educate others on autoimmune disease as a legal disability in the U.S. workplace. She is a highly sought-after speaker and wellness expert and the leading authority on Autoimmune Disease in the workplace.
Holly spent the first 10 years of her career in Human Resources, primarily as a recruiter. After working for the prestigious consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, she was invited into federal government service as the Chief of Staff for one of our nation’s top national security offices. From there, she spent 15 years in Project Management.
Holly Bertone is currently the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC, and founder of Fortitude.Academy and the health and wellness website As a breast cancer and Hashimoto's survivor, she turned these two significant health challenges into a passion to help transform lives for women with chronic illness.
Holly is a Project Management Professional (PMP), holds a Masters Degree from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Certified Natural Health Professional.
In her free time, she loves to garden, and hit flea markets and yard sales. Holly is married to a retired Green Beret, is a stepmother, and lives in Alexandria, VA.
The information provided on this webinar provides accurate knowledge based on current research and laws. This information may change without the author’s knowledge. This webinar is not intended to provide health or legal guidelines or advice. Neither Holly Bertone, nor Pink Fortitude, LLC has any standing as an attorney, doctor, or medical advisor. Please consult with your attorney or appropriate authority before making any changes to your work policies or situation. Pink Fortitude, LLC nor its owner are responsible or liable for your success or failure in this endeavor. All information discussed is applicable to the United States, but may be appropriate in countries with similar laws such as the UK or Canada. Full Disclosure Policy, Legal Clause, and Terms and Conditions – Click HERE.