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Episode 104: Money Can be Awkward or Abundant - Bonus Reflections on Ken Honda's Interview

Feb 21, 2024


Does having conversations about money make you squirm? Is it seriously awkward to talk about money? What if… and play with me here… what if… we can shift that conversation from awkward to abundance?

If you loved my interview with Ken Honda last week, or even if you are looking for ways to incorporate money practices that will result in financial abundance beyond your wildest dreams, then keep listening because this episode is for you.

Today I am going to answer the question, how can you change your money conversations from being awkward, to being more abundant, by incorporating more happy money into your life.  

The answer is powerful, it involves… creating $100,000 out of thin air…  and I think it’s going to surprise you.

Together, we will unpack:

  • How can you change your money conversations from awkward to more abundant by incorporating more happy money into your life?
  • What is the concept of Ken Honda's happy money, and how can it help you shift from scarcity to manifest financial abundance?
  • What is the difference between money and wealth, and how does wealth relate to inner peace and completeness?
  • How can you be more agile when going through a transformation in your life?

Mentioned Resources:

Episode 103: Create Financial Abundance and Happy Money with Ken Honda
Purchase the book: Happy Money:

Connect with Holly:


Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone

On the web - Fortitude.Academy

If today's episode resonated with you, be sure to hit the follow button where you are listening and also tap those 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a great review because it would mean so much to me to hang out with you every week and because it will also help to get this podcast and our wonderful message out to more listeners!

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!

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