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Episode 105: Mastering Agility to Turn Your Challenge into Your Transformation

Feb 23, 2024


If you’ve ever felt like you’re in the middle of a big transition in life, whether that’s with your health or your business… and you feel like it’s bigger than you are, then this episode is for you.

One of the best skills that you can have is the agility to pivot and that’s exactly what my guest is going to share in today’s episode.

My guest today is Ryan Lee. Ryan knows a thing or two about how to be agile while going through a massive health and business transformation.

Together, we will unpack:

  • How did Ryan turn his health around and crush his weight loss goals?
  • Pivoting like a pro - how do you know when it's the right moment to shake up your business plan?
  • What if you stumbled on your health journey? Ryan's tips on bouncing back with grace.
  • The number one reason why it's so important to be yourself.
  • Quitting isn't failing, and why it's cool to call it quits sometimes.
  • Ditching the fear of flopping in public with this mindset hack.

Ryan healed himself from an autoimmune disease, lost 40 pounds, and built and sold several multi-million dollar companies. Ryan is a successful entrepreneur in the health and wellness space, which helped him rise to success as an entrepreneur in the marketing space.

He has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, on dozens of TV shows, has spoken on stages, and has been called “the world’s #1 lifestyle entrepreneur” by Entrepreneur.

Ryan is currently running Bone + Brew, which is a bone broth coffee alternative, and he’s the founder of Freedym, a free community that is basically the Netflix of marketing and entrepreneurship.

Ryan is married his college sweetheart and has four great kids, and has one of the biggest hearts of service in the entrepreneurial space.

Connect with Ryan Lee:
bone + BREW - The Decadent Coffee Alternative

Ryan Lee on the Web


Connect with Holly:


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▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone 

On the web - Fortitude.Academy 

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Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week! 

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