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Episode 66: From Grumpy Mess to Grateful Message - My Story

May 19, 2023


We are taking a bit of a detour on today’s episode. I’ve been sharing on Instagram, some pretty vulnerable behind the scenes of my background and how I transitioned from my career in government service to the business that I have today. And all of the failures and twists and turns in between. I was really surprised at the great feedback that you shared with me… how much you’ve been enjoying the story and the journey.

So… I decided to put it all together.

On today’s episode, I’m going to take you on the journey of my story from grumpy mess to grateful message.


 Together, we will unpack:

  • Holly shares her journey from grumpy mess to grateful message
  • How Holly transformed Pink Fortitude from a hobby blog to a business
  • The power of passion and purpose
  • Which of these four categories are you?
  • Holly shares clips of her interview with her Coach, James Wedmore


Mentioned Resources: 

James Wedmore's RISE of the Digital CEO Training 

Take the Quiz - Uncover your Biggest Business Blindspot


Connect with Holly:

Follow Holly on Instagram 

Take the Quiz - How Much Gratitude and Grit Do You Have?

Register for the [FREE] Navigating Difficult Times Webinar

1-on-1 Coaching

On the web - Fortitude.Academy 

If today's episode resonated with you, be sure to hit the follow button where you are listening and also tap those 5 stars ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ and leave a great review because it would mean so much to me to hang out with you every week and because it will also help to get this podcast and our wonderful message out to more Grateful Warriors! 

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week! 

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