For the Woman Who Wants to Recover Your Energy:


There's ONE THING that's draining your energy that no one is talking about...


This FREE training is for you if:

  • You have a level of exhaustion that is indescribable and unbearable.  
  • You have a chronic health challenge.
  • You are tired of your body dictating what you can't do...
  • And YOU ARE READY TO GET YOUR ENERGY BACK so that you can do what you want on your own terms...  

Click on the button below to join the Navigating Difficult Times Master Class for FREE! 





➡ Understand why you are so bone-crushing exhausted all of the time and not just that... the ONE THING that is draining your energy that no one wants to admit, AND how to gain it back.

➡ That even though you are doing what the experts tell you to do, identify why your go-to protocol or tactic may NOT be working AND what to do instead.

➡ Discover the secret to how you can confidently build mental strength and resilience, with 4 key strategies to help you get started. 

➡ Get a personalized game plan so that you can start getting your life back.

➡ Plus so much more!

If you've ever been diagnosed, whether it's cancer, autoimmune, or another type of health challenge, I'm sure you can agree... it's not as simple as taking a pill and everything is fine.

And here's the thing... it's not just the diagnosis - your entire world gets turned upside down - not getting answers you need, doctors being dismissive, strained relationships, fighting to stay awake at work... not to mention... trying to keep your life and family as normal as possible while battling fatigue, pain, migraines, and more!

You might be thinking that all you want is your old life back. To be normal again. To go back to the way things used to be. 


Your diagnosis does NOT have to dominate your life. There is hope.


CAN YOU ALREADY BEGIN TO IMAGINE... this ACTUALLY was your opportunity...

... to minimize the physical symptoms that are holding you back.

... to be able to make decisions about your day based on what you want to do rather than what your body says you can or can't do.

... to be free of feeling like your body betrayed you.

... to be free of feeling like you aren't good enough because you can't keep up like you used to be able to.

... to be free of angry and emotional outbursts.

... to be lifted up out of the brain fog.

That's called playing to win. And that's the ethos of the Grateful Warrior.

Well, hey there, sunshine!

My name is Holly Bertone and I'm known as the Coach who helps women regain their energy, their happiness, and their lives. Especially when all you want is to feel "normal" again. 

And here is something I know to be true. No one ever asked for their lives to be blindsided by those devastating words, "you have...", RIGHT? And I don’t need to tell you, when you feel exhausted and defeated, you can’t get back to feeling like your old self again.

So the question is… how valuable would it be to actually have hope after everything has been disrupted by this diagnosis, you’ve completely lost control, and your new reality is now drenched in fear and anxiety?

Let me show you how when you register for the Navigating Difficult Times Master Class...


Why is this training different?

"Holly - you've taken the airy-fairy concept of gratitude and transformed it into GRATITUDE THE SUPERHERO!


You've beautifully modeled what is possible for women with chronic health challenges, backed by science and compassion."


 - Sonya


I'm grateful you asked!




Mindset Coach ~ Motivational Speaker ~ Podcast Host ~ Best Selling Author

🤗 Hello, my friend! I'm Holly Bertone! I've been given the gift of being a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor. My superhero power is turning Grumpy Worriers into Grateful Warriors... and knowing every lyric to every 80's song ever made (Duran Duran and Culture Club are my FAVES).

After spending 25 years rising through the ranks of consulting and federal government service, my failing health shattered my corporate dreams.

Thankfully, I’m honoring these changes as a gift and found renewed purpose as a Certified Natural Health Coach focusing on Gratitude and Mindset.

I’m a Mindset Coach, Motivational Speaker, and host of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast, where I help women discover their comeback story in the face of adversity. You may have seen me on over 200 TV and radio segments, articles, podcasts, and summits AND... #bucketlist... my book on the #1 spot on Amazon.

In my free time, I love to garden, hit flea markets to find cool vintage dresses, and play with Hannibal, my Pug. 

I'm so excited that you are interested in joining the Navigating Difficult Times Master Class because it shows your desire to take your wellness journey seriously - and make real, lasting changes.  

So let's go! You've got this!

love. hugs. inspire.



I want to say one more thing. You may be here because you heard me on the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast or saw me on Instagram and notice that I have a lot of energy. And happiness. And sparkle.

This is an intentional decision.

As a quintessential overachiever, my health hit rock bottom... not once... not twice... but THREE TIMES with breast cancer, Hashimoto's (autoimmune), and debilitating chronic fatigue.

This is why I'm so passionate about sharing this message and this live training experience with you.

I want you to know that you are not alone. 

I'm here to help you get YOUR energy, YOUR happiness, YOUR sparkle, and YOUR life back.



The information provided on The Navigating Difficult Times Master Class has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or disease. The Navigating Difficult Times Master Class is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The viewer should regularly consult a qualified, licensed doctor in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Neither Pink Fortitude, LLC nor its representatives are responsible for any specific health needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person listening to or following the information on The Navigating Difficult Times Master Class. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any websites or other sources.