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Episode 111: Your Comeback Experience Part 2 (O = Own Your Ship)

Mar 29, 2024


When it comes to improving your health and wellness, well actually… pretty much anything in life… there’s one very specific thing that is going to catapult your success. This is the one thing that separates the woman who see results from the woman who doesn’t. It is also the one thing that most people either roll their eyes at, or dismiss, or run away from. It is designed to create the most resistance, because it’s the one thing that will guarantee progress and results.

In this episode, we will answer the question… what is the number one thing that separates those who see results with their health, from those who don't?

In today’s episode, you will walk away with understanding the power of personal responsibility as it relates to the challenges in our society to make healthy choices a part of your lifestyle.

Together, we will unpack:

  • What separates those who see results with their health, from those who don’t?
  • What is radical responsibility and how can it shift your perspective to make healthy choices a part of your lifestyle?
  • The most important takeaway from George Wilson’s study and how you can apply it to your life.
  • How our weight and the absence of disease does not necessarily mean we are healthy.

Mentioned Resources:

▶️ Episode 110: Your Comeback Experience Part 1 (R = Rear View Mirror)

Connect with Holly:


▶️ Complete an Application and Book Your Discovery Call (Back to YOU Program) -

▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone

▶️ More resources for Your Comeback Story -

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Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!

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This *FREE* training and strategy call is for you if:

  • You are ready to fit back in your jeans, wear that sleeveless dress, and look and feel AMAZING in your body.
  • You have tried weight loss strategies before (diet, exercise, etc) and you are ready to get OFF the yo-yo diet hamster wheel.
  • You are a woman in her midlife years with a demanding schedule, and you want a proven strategy to maintain a healthy weight that's an effortless part of your lifestyle.