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Day 11: Areas of Inner Stillness - 12 Days of Gratitude

Dec 16, 2023


Welcome to Day 11 of the 12 Days of Gratitude! This year's theme is the Year of You.

There are 5 main stress areas that we have in life.

Let me ask you... what is the main source of stress in your life right now


Work–career, entrepreneur

Loss / Grief –death, divorce, becoming an empty nester, losing a job

Big Changes –moving, marriage, baby, becoming a caregiver

Illness / Disease

Which one or ones are you dealing with?

Thanks for tuning into this special series, the 12 Days of Gratitude. Be sure to download your free journal prompts at And... if you are ready to take those next steps to claim that 2024 is the Year of You, head over to to learn more.

Connect with Holly:

Download your free journal prompts for the 12 Days of Gratitude
Follow Holly on Instagram
Take the Quiz - How Much Gratitude and Grit Do You Have?
Join The Gratitude Lab

On the web - Fortitude.Academy

If today's episode resonated with you, be sure to hit the follow button where you are listening and also tap those 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a great review because it would mean so much to me to hang out with you every week and because it will also help to get this podcast and our wonderful message out to more Grateful Warriors!

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you tomorrow!

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