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Episode 74: When Gratitude is Put to the Test - My Divorce Story

Jul 14, 2023


Divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences, filled with emotional turmoil, fighting, uncertainty, and anger, and it can leave us with fear, feeling broken, lost, and like the foundation has been ripped from under us.

Today, I’m pulling back the curtain, and I’m going to share my divorce story. Not only that... everything that I’ve experienced, learned, practiced, and taught about gratitude was put to the test.

In today’s episode, we will answer the question... what is the ripple effect of gratitude when going through a divorce, and how can you change the narrative of what divorce is supposed to look like? If you are currently navigating a divorce, this is a must-listen-to episode.

But even if you are not, the principles that I’m going to share today will help you to view any difficult situation from a totally different perspective.


Together, we will unpack:

  • When gratitude is put to the test during my divorce
  • How you can listen to your inner voice during the cacophony of chaos around you
  • When it’s okay to not be okay
  • How to overcome anger and bitterness when that is the default go-to
  • The ultimate lesson of gratitude and divorce


If any of what I said today resonates with you, then I invite you to my FREE webinar and masterclass, Navigating Difficult Times, where you will learn how to look at stress from a totally different perspective, to find a new superpower for your health, and gain your energy back so that you can get through the tough times with ease. You can register at

If you are in that place where you are ready to start making some changes in your own life...  if you are eager to raise your hand and be ready to do whatever it takes, I am here to be your coach, your mentor, and your champion who believes in you. Your next step is to TAKE THIS FUN 2-MINUTE QUIZ and find out how much gratitude and grit you have. 


Mentioned Resources: 

Register for the [FREE] Navigating Difficult Times Masterclass

Take the Quiz - How Much Gratitude and Grit Do You Have?

The Gratitude Lab

Episode 45: Surrender is Giving You Power

Episode 54: Warming Up to Gratitude

Episode 55: There’s Power in Peace

Episode 57: Waking Up on the Wrong Side of Gratitude

Episode 58: It’s Not Your Fault


Connect with Holly:


▶️ Back to Y.O.U. Transformational Program -

▶️ Complete an Application for Coaching -

▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone 

On the web - Fortitude.Academy 

If today's episode resonated with you, be sure to hit the follow button where you are listening and also tap those 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a great review because it would mean so much to me to hang out with you every week and because it will also help to get this podcast and our wonderful message out to more listeners! 

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week! 

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